Our Values, Vision and Mission
Learning to play with music
The real gift of music goes far beyond simply playing music. It is more akin to playing with music and involves a deeper awareness and connection with melody, harmony and rhythm that enriches entire lives. For those lucky enough to find this deeper awareness and connection, music is: emotional expression; active and immersive engagement; satisfaction and achievement; a refuge; food for hearts and minds; a touchstone and, for some, a spiritual devotion.
Our vision is simple - to be able to give the gift of music to all who wish to receive it.
Our mission is to continually develop as a centre-for-excellence for music education and tuition. We will continue to build a wide range of highly experienced tutors, all with current experience as freelance music-industry professionals, to guide each student at every step of their personal musical journey.
Whether you wish to simply enjoy the gift of music and/or pursue a formal certificated programme (grades), or to compose and/or perform, our mission is to help you make that happen.
Learning to play WITH music!
We’re all melodies, seeking harmonies in this great symphony called LIFE. Our vision is to help everyone connect with their own unique melody by learning, not just how to play music and your instrument, but learning how to see music as a friend that you can play with. and accompany you through life.
If you desire to play for pleasure, exams (grades), composition or performance, we are here to guide you every step of the way.
Our teachers are highly experienced and work as freelance music industry professionals. Our vision/aim is to place every student with the right teacher., to make each musical journey a pleasure to treasure.
Deven Stuart